Trevor James 10X Flute Outfits


The ideal first flute for the new flute player or those returning to playing after a few years away. The TJ10x flute is a free blowing silver-plated instrument which helps the new flute player to learn at a much quicker pace, giving a rich and easy sound. 

High quality manufacture with all Trevor James products being inspected and set-up by hand by technicians in the UK. 

  • Advanced headjoint features -  designed to be free blowing to assist the new player in obtaining easy yet rich sound production
  • Japanese tubing
  • High quality Italian pads with accurate airtight seals which is vitally important to the performance of the instrument
  • Felt instead of cork under the tail arms to reduce noise from the mechanism
  • Triple plated finish with a double layer of silver-plating on top of a flash copper coating, giving durability to the silver finish of each instrument and keeping it looking new for longer
  • Purple lined wooden case with black fleecy lined case cover
  • Fine care and attention to the finishing of all key work – carefully crafted during manufacture and then double checked by our expert technicians in the UK to ensure instrument looks and plays great
  • Accurate and tight fitting of the key assembly, giving a secure and positive feel to the player

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